Whose Land Is It?

Whose Land Is It? Does the Land of Israel belong to the Jewish people or does it belong to the Arab Muslims? These questions are often asked about the Land of Israel, especially in times of conflict. Do the Jewish people have a legitimate right to live in the Land of Israel today? Watch this teaching now to see what the Bible says about this subject of the Land of Israel!

Whose Land Is It?

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  1. Thanks very much for this explaination

    4 naive questions:

    (1) Is the retrieving the Land politically or militarily the God’s option?
    (2) Aren’t Palestinians the descendants of Abraham’s son, Ismael, as well as Philistines’ and Samaritans’?
    (3) Aren’t we at the beginning of the Great Tribulation?
    (4) Is Islam anti-Christic as it denies the validity of the idea of a Messiah

    • Regarding your questions:
      1. I think you missed the point of my teaching. Please watch again.
      2. The Arab Muslims claim that they are descendants of Ishmael and it seems to fit the biblical narrative. Ishmael received a different promise than Isaac. Please read Gen. 16.
      3. I don’t think so
      4. Yes

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