
The Book of Revelation

The Book of Revelation is the most fascinating prophetic book in the Bible as it is literally the culmination of the many prophecies found in the Old Testament Scriptures. Start watching now!

The Book of Daniel

God used Gentile kings and a Jewish exile named Daniel to inform us of the Times of the Gentiles culminating in the Kingdom of God. To begin the journey in the book of Daniel, click this link! Book of Daniel

The Appointed Times

One of the most overlooked teachings in the Bible is that of the "Appointed Times." These biblical Appointed Times are summarized in Leviticus 23 and spoken of through both the Old & New Testaments. Watch The Appointed Times!

When Yeshua reasoned with the two men on the Road to Emmaus, He used the Torah and the prophets for His defense (Luke 24:27). The first five books of the Bible provide the foundation for the Bible as a whole. Start watching now! Weekly Torah Portion