The Final Miracle of Passover

Although the first Passover occurred approximately 3500 years ago, it still impacts our faith today. To learn more about the unique significance of Passover in our spiritual lives, watch this teaching now!

The Final Miracle of Passover

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  1. That was such an awesome teaching on Passover! I’m so glad you talked about not calling Resurrection day Easter. My church actually did a Seder on Good Friday. We did a few before with a messianic Jewish rabbi and it was so amazing how everything pointed to Jesus.
    I’m glad you taught about the 4 cups to remind me what they were.

    • Thank you Rose. Yes it is good to go through the traditional Passover Seder to get a deeper appreciate of the events at the Last Passover of Yeshua. I’m hoping to come to the USA next Spring to lead a series of Passover Seders.

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