The False Prophet & The False Messiah

The details of Revelation 13 continue to layout Satan’s End Times Agenda as we focus on the second beast who is described in detail in this second half of the chapter. What will the primary goal be for the second beast and how will he complete his task? Watch now to study the details of the second beast in Rev. 13:11-15!

The False Prophet & The False Messiah – Rev. 13:11-15

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  1. Daniel, that was so informative with the horns and the false prophet being called a lamb. Also I studied Revelations a lot and never thought that there are 2 false witnesses to the dragon as there are 2 witnesses to Jesus.
    Also I liked that you confirmed that believers are not to fight back if we are to go into captivity or killed by the sword but to have patient endurance and faith in God during these hard times!
    Great lesson

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