A Simple Prayer For Salvation

Prayer is a wonderful and powerful tool that God has given us to partner with Him during our years on earth. In this short video, Daniel Goldstein shares a teaching that is more like a testimony of how to pray for the salvation of others, especially for the salvation of Israel and the Jewish people. Watch now to hear these biblical insights regarding prayer & salvation!

A Simple Prayer For Salvation

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  1. Thank you for this explanation of the full meaning of @ supplication” … it helps us in the way we are to petition the Lord for the Jewish and indeed all people. Another nugget!

  2. Shalom Daniel,
    I and my husband have been praying for many years for salvation for the Jewish people throughout the world but fervently for the salvation for all Israelis . Thank you for your testimony and for sharing with us the biblical passage in Zachariah. We will be praying Zachariah 12:10 for the Jewish people and for our loved ones that do not have a relationship with Yeshua.

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