15. The Great Multitude & The White Robe

The second half of Revelation chapter seven focuses on a "great multitude" from every nation, people, tribe, and tongue. The Apostle John was asked regarding this great multitude, "...who are they, and where have they come from?" (Rev. 7:13) In this teaching we will answer these questions and seek to understand the significance of this great multitude in The End Times. Click the image below to begin watching!

Rev. 7:9-17 The Great Multitude & The White Robe

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Posted in Book of Revelation, Online Teachings.


  1. Daniel, very informative lesson. I have some questions.
    I do believe in the rapture coz of 1 Thess 4:13 and Jesus coming like a thief and no one knows the time or hour but also that it does include all believers even Jewish believers. Why can’t the believers in tribulation be people who come to Christ at that time, by the 144,000 sealed Jews and the 2 witnesses and the Angel flying around giving the gospel? Many people come to Christ in trials in life. They will see Gods power and come to believe. And I’m not sure if you are saying the great multitude is both Jew and Gentiles or not. At one point it sounded like you were saying it was but the last statement said it was Gentiles. I believe it’s both. Thankyou for your lessons! I really learn so much!

    • Thank you for the questions and comments Rose. As I taught in the two teachings on Rev.7, we read about the 144,000 from the nation of Israel who are sealed and these are specifically called first fruits to God in Rev. 14 with an expectation of a greater harvest of Jewish believers to come. The Great Multitude is also in the context of the sealing of God’s people in Rev. 7. From the context it seems to imply that all the believers mentioned in Rev. 7 are those who will have God’s seal in the End Times, Jewish and Gentile believers. Dr. John Walvoord also understands this from the context as I quote him in a later teaching on this subject (I believe it is Rev. 9).
      You are welcome to believe in Pre-Tribulation theology, however, I would be curious to hear your biblical defense of this. 1 Thess. 4:13 says nothing about the timing of our being gathered together. I assume you are referring to 1 Thess. 4:13-17 about our being caught up together with the Messiah. I obviously believe that all believers in Messiah are caught up together at His Second Coming. I actually just taught on this subject in the most recent teaching of Rev. 11:15-19. One simple question for you, where does the Bible teach that believers are “raptured” before the last trumpet of His Second Coming? I’m curious to hear your response.
      One more question to think about. To whom will Yeshua come like thief? Please read 1 Thess. 5:1-5
      Thank you for your questions!

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