Choosing The Blessing

If Israel is so blessed on the earth, why does it seem like they are cursed? This question was recently posed to me and I will do my best to respond to this question in this teaching. Click the image below to start watching!

Choosing The Blessing

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Posted in Israel, Online Teachings, Uncategorized.


  1. Shalom Daniel, thanks for this teaching. That’s exactly the issue I pondered on the last days. I believe we tend to think that if God blesses us, we are on the „sunny side“ of life, everything goes on smoothly. But already the birth of Jacob shows that even if there is a blessing or calling on someones life doesn’t mean that everything goes the way we in our human limited thinking imagine. I mean God could have made Jacob to see the light of day firstborn, but no, he was born second. Something we hardly can understand. But God says „For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts“. As I learn myself at the moment affliction keeps us humble before the sovereign God, because we need him to intervene for we can’t get out of it on our own. When I read Gen 31:12 this morning I found peace for my situation „for I have seen all that Laban doeth unto thee“. God sees us, God sees Israel and God will intervene in his timing, we need to keep praying and seeking him!
    Praying for you having a save trip back home to Israel! Sara

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