Author Archive: Ner LeRaglai
Message to Smyrna: Endure Tribulation
Posted on by Ner LeRaglai
The message to the congregation at Smyrna is only four verses in total but the words of the message deliver a powerful warning and promise. What did Yeshua mean by using the phrase “a synagogue of Satan“? Who will receive the crown of life? To begin watching this teaching, please click the image below.
The Message to Smyrna: Endure Tribulation (Rev. 2:8-11)
Support this ministry: Ner LeRaglai is a nonprofit organization and we rely on your donations to sustain our ongoing Bible teaching ministry. If you are benefiting from our teachings and would like to support our ministry so that we can continue to make these teachings available to others, please go to our donation page or click here: Donate
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The Warning of The Mark of The Beast
Posted on by Ner LeRaglai
Even those who do not read the Bible have heard of “the mark of the beast“! What does the Bible say about the mark of the beast? When will it became mandatory for making purchases? How will the mark of the beast be implemented? Watch now to discover what the Bible actually says regarding the mark of the beast.
The Warning of The Mark of The Beast – Rev. 13:16-18
Support this ministry: Ner LeRaglai is a nonprofit organization and we rely on your donations to sustain our ongoing Bible teaching ministry. If you are benefiting from our teachings and would like to support our ministry so that we can continue to make these teachings available to others, please go to our donation page or click here: Donate
Return to the Main Menu for Revelation: Chapters 12-18
The False Prophet & The False Messiah
Posted on by Ner LeRaglai
The details of Revelation 13 continue to layout Satan’s End Times Agenda as we focus on the second beast who is described in detail in this second half of the chapter. What will the primary goal be for the second beast and how will he complete his task? Watch now to study the details of the second beast in Rev. 13:11-15!
The False Prophet & The False Messiah – Rev. 13:11-15
Support this ministry: Ner LeRaglai is a nonprofit organization and we rely on your donations to sustain our ongoing Bible teaching ministry. If you are benefiting from our teachings and would like to support our ministry so that we can continue to make these teachings available to others, please go to our donation page or click here: Donate
Return to the Main Menu for Revelation: Chapters 12-18
Blasphemy of The Beast
Posted on by Ner LeRaglai
The End Times World Ruler, a.k.a. the Antichrist or “the beast” in Rev. 13, will be an extremely arrogant person who will be marked with a blasphemous mouth. In this teaching we will look further into Satan’s End Times Agenda as it will play out in the blasphemous mouth of the beast. Watch now to learn more!
Blasphemy of The Beast – Rev. 13:5-10
Support this ministry: Ner LeRaglai is a nonprofit organization and we rely on your donations to sustain our ongoing Bible teaching ministry. If you are benefiting from our teachings and would like to support our ministry so that we can continue to make these teachings available to others, please go to our donation page or click here: Donate
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Satan’s End Times Agenda – Part 1
Posted on by Ner LeRaglai
Revelation 13 provides extensive details regarding the plans of the evil one. In fact, this chapter is the most elaborate explanation of Satan’s End Times Agenda in the Bible. Watch this teaching now to better understand the details found in Rev. 13:1-4 regarding the beast from the sea!
Satan’s End Times Agenda: The Beast from The Sea – Rev. 13:1-4
Support this ministry: Ner LeRaglai is a nonprofit organization and we rely on your donations to sustain our ongoing Bible teaching ministry. If you are benefiting from our teachings and would like to support our ministry so that we can continue to make these teachings available to others, please go to our donation page or click here: Donate
Return to the Main Menu for Revelation: Chapters 12-18
The Isaiah Scroll & Leviathan
Posted on by Ner LeRaglai
The two signs in heaven (the woman & the dragon) in Revelation 12 appear to be a new prophecy which John the Apostle received 2000 years ago, however, there seems to be a prophetic foreshadowing of these signs in the book of Isaiah. Watch this teaching to discover the Isaiah connection to the prophecies in Revelation 12.
The Isaiah Scroll & Leviathan – Rev. 12 (Part 3)
Support this ministry: Ner LeRaglai is a nonprofit organization and we rely on your donations to sustain our ongoing Bible teaching ministry. If you are benefiting from our teachings and would like to support our ministry so that we can continue to make these teachings available to others, please go to our donation page or click here: Donate
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The War With The Saints
Posted on by Ner LeRaglai
The metaphorical prophecy of the dragon and the woman continues in Rev. 12:13-17. In these verses the dragon attempts to destroy the fleeing woman but she escapes. The result of this failed attempt by the dragon to destroy the woman is to make war with her children. Who are these other children of the woman? Watch now to learn what the Bible reveals about these other children!
The War With The Saints (Rev. 12:13-17)
Support this ministry: Ner LeRaglai is a nonprofit organization and we rely on your donations to sustain our ongoing Bible teaching ministry. If you are benefiting from our teachings and would like to support our ministry so that we can continue to make these teachings available to others, please go to our donation page or click here: Donate
Return to the Main Menu for Revelation: Chapters 12-18
On Earth as it is In Heaven – Rev. 12 (Part 1)
Posted on by Ner LeRaglai
The Bible is a unique compilation of literary styles spanning 1500 years, all inspired by the Holy Spirit of God. Revelation 12 tells the unique story of a woman, her child, her other children, and a dragon who tries to destroy them all. This story weaves together biblical truth and ultimately produces prophecies that will only be fulfilled in the End Times. Watch now to better understand the details of this Divine storyline!
On Earth as it is In Heaven - Rev. 12:1-12
Support this ministry: Ner LeRaglai is a nonprofit organization and we rely on your donations to sustain our ongoing Bible teaching ministry. If you are benefiting from our teachings and would like to support our ministry so that we can continue to make these teachings available to others, please go to our donation page or click here: Donate
Return to the Main Menu for Revelation: Chapters 12-18
Revelation Series Part 3 for Small Group
Posted on by Ner LeRaglai
Revelation Teaching Series Part 3 - Small Groups
We have completed our study on the the 7 Seals and the 7 Trumpets in Revelation 4-11 and we will now study Revelation 12-18. In part three of our teaching series, we will study the details of Revelation 12-18 as it takes us through the "days of the sound of the seventh trumpet" (Rev. 10:7) as well as providing more details of the coming Great Tribulation.
Ner LeRaglai is excited to offer this teaching series to small groups. A small group is defined as any gathering of 2 or more people. We are requesting the following guidelines for you and your small group:
Feedback: After the small group has finished reviewing the teachings in this series, we would like to hear feedback regarding what the attendees found beneficial from this teaching series and what was lacking. Any suggestions that you would like to share with us are welcome. The group host/leader should email feedback to:
Donate: Please advise all small group attendees that there is no course fee associated with these teachings, however, we do welcome a one-time or recurring donation in order to sustain our ongoing work in teaching the Bible from its Jewish, historical, cultural, and linguistic perspective. For donation options, please visit our donation page: Give
Registration & Communication: In order to register for this teaching series, only the group host/leader needs to fill in the needed information below and press "submit" when finished. You will be provided, via email, the password to access these teachings once they are uploaded to the website and you will have unlimited access to these teachings for you and your group.