Author Archive: Ner LeRaglai
Armageddon: When & Where?
Posted on by Ner LeRaglai
Armageddon! We have all heard this name before and we often use this word to speak of a worldwide event, especially relating to the End Times. What does the Bible actually say about “Armageddon”? When and where will Armageddon take place? Watch this teaching to discover what the Bible says. You will be surprised regarding the location!
Armageddon: When & Where? (Rev. 16)
Support this ministry: Ner LeRaglai is a nonprofit organization and we rely on your donations to sustain our ongoing Bible teaching ministry. If you are benefiting from our teachings and would like to support our ministry so that we can continue to make these teachings available to others, please go to our donation page or click here: Donate
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The Seven Bowls of God’s Wrath
Posted on by Ner LeRaglai
The seven bowl judgments are said to be the end of God’s wrath as we read in Rev. 15:1 “because in them the wrath of God is finished.” In this teaching we will examine the details of the seven bowl judgments and we will also do our best to determine if and how believers in Yeshua will still be on earth at this time. Watch now to see what the Scriptures reveal!
The Seven Bowls of God’s Wrath (Rev. 16 – Part 1)
Support this ministry: Ner LeRaglai is a nonprofit organization and we rely on your donations to sustain our ongoing Bible teaching ministry. If you are benefiting from our teachings and would like to support our ministry so that we can continue to make these teachings available to others, please go to our donation page or click here: Donate
Return to the Main Menu for Revelation: Chapters 12-18
The Third Sign in Heaven – Rev. 15
Posted on by Ner LeRaglai
Revelation 15 introduces the beginning of the end. John sees a scene in heaven that sets the stage for the final battle on earth. This teaching will focus on the details of what John saw and the significance of this Third Sign in Heaven. Watch now!
The Third Sign in Heaven (Rev. 15)
Support this ministry: Ner LeRaglai is a nonprofit organization and we rely on your donations to sustain our ongoing Bible teaching ministry. If you are benefiting from our teachings and would like to support our ministry so that we can continue to make these teachings available to others, please go to our donation page or click here: Donate
Return to the Main Menu for Revelation: Chapters 12-18
The Final Miracle of Passover
Posted on by Ner LeRaglai
Although the first Passover occurred approximately 3500 years ago, it still impacts our faith today. To learn more about the unique significance of Passover in our spiritual lives, watch this teaching now!
The Final Miracle of Passover
Support this ministry: Ner LeRaglai is a nonprofit organization and we rely on your donations to sustain our ongoing Bible teaching ministry. If you are benefiting from our teachings and would like to support our ministry so that we can continue to make these teachings available to others, please go to our donation page or click here: Donate
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God’s Counter-Attack
Posted on by Ner LeRaglai
Context is king! When studying the Bible this is one of the key rules that guides Bible teachers in properly understanding the text of the Scriptures. Revelation 14 contains seven distinct scenes that provide great insight into the events of The End Times. Click play to start watching this thorough teaching on Revelation 14, which includes: Yeshua & The 144,000, The Three Angels, The Two Reapers, & A Blessing!
God’s Counter-Attack
Support this ministry: Ner LeRaglai is a nonprofit organization and we rely on your donations to sustain our ongoing Bible teaching ministry. If you are benefiting from our teachings and would like to support our ministry so that we can continue to make these teachings available to others, please go to our donation page or click here: Donate
Return to the Main Menu for Revelation: Chapters 12-18
Message to Smyrna: Endure Tribulation
Posted on by Ner LeRaglai
The message to the congregation at Smyrna is only four verses in total but the words of the message deliver a powerful warning and promise. What did Yeshua mean by using the phrase “a synagogue of Satan“? Who will receive the crown of life? To begin watching this teaching, please click the image below.
The Message to Smyrna: Endure Tribulation (Rev. 2:8-11)
Support this ministry: Ner LeRaglai is a nonprofit organization and we rely on your donations to sustain our ongoing Bible teaching ministry. If you are benefiting from our teachings and would like to support our ministry so that we can continue to make these teachings available to others, please go to our donation page or click here: Donate
Return to the Main Menu for Revelation: Chapters 1-5
The Warning of The Mark of The Beast
Posted on by Ner LeRaglai
Even those who do not read the Bible have heard of “the mark of the beast“! What does the Bible say about the mark of the beast? When will it became mandatory for making purchases? How will the mark of the beast be implemented? Watch now to discover what the Bible actually says regarding the mark of the beast.
The Warning of The Mark of The Beast – Rev. 13:16-18
Support this ministry: Ner LeRaglai is a nonprofit organization and we rely on your donations to sustain our ongoing Bible teaching ministry. If you are benefiting from our teachings and would like to support our ministry so that we can continue to make these teachings available to others, please go to our donation page or click here: Donate
Return to the Main Menu for Revelation: Chapters 12-18
The False Prophet & The False Messiah
Posted on by Ner LeRaglai
The details of Revelation 13 continue to layout Satan’s End Times Agenda as we focus on the second beast who is described in detail in this second half of the chapter. What will the primary goal be for the second beast and how will he complete his task? Watch now to study the details of the second beast in Rev. 13:11-15!
The False Prophet & The False Messiah – Rev. 13:11-15
Support this ministry: Ner LeRaglai is a nonprofit organization and we rely on your donations to sustain our ongoing Bible teaching ministry. If you are benefiting from our teachings and would like to support our ministry so that we can continue to make these teachings available to others, please go to our donation page or click here: Donate
Return to the Main Menu for Revelation: Chapters 12-18
Blasphemy of The Beast
Posted on by Ner LeRaglai