Author Archive: Ner LeRaglai
Hanukkah & Hamas
Posted on by Ner LeRaglai
Although Hanukkah was first celebrated 2200 years ago, it is still relevant to our lives today. Click the image below to start watching this teaching!
Hanukkah & Hamas
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Choosing The Blessing
Posted on by Ner LeRaglai
If Israel is so blessed on the earth, why does it seem like they are cursed? This question was recently posed to me and I will do my best to respond to this question in this teaching. Click the image below to start watching!
Choosing The Blessing
Support this ministry: Ner LeRaglai is a nonprofit organization and we rely on your donations to sustain our ongoing Bible teaching ministry. If you are benefiting from our teachings and would like to support our ministry so that we can continue to make these teachings available to others, please go to our donation page or click here: Donate
Whose Land Is It?
Posted on by Ner LeRaglai
Whose Land Is It? Does the Land of Israel belong to the Jewish people or does it belong to the Arab Muslims? These questions are often asked about the Land of Israel, especially in times of conflict. Do the Jewish people have a legitimate right to live in the Land of Israel today? Watch this teaching now to see what the Bible says about this subject of the Land of Israel!
Whose Land Is It?
Support this ministry: Ner LeRaglai is a nonprofit organization and we rely on your donations to sustain our ongoing Bible teaching ministry. If you are benefiting from our teachings and would like to support our ministry so that we can continue to make these teachings available to others, please go to our donation page or click here: Donate
Understanding The Blessing of Israel
Posted on by Ner LeRaglai
During this time of war, with so much of the world focused on Israel, it is more important than ever to have a biblical perspective on the nation of Israel and the Jewish people. Join with me in this journey through the Bible as we begin with the call of Abraham and follow it through to the nation of Israel today. Watch now by clicking on the image below!
Understanding The Blessing of Israel
Support this ministry: Ner LeRaglai is a nonprofit organization and we rely on your donations to sustain our ongoing Bible teaching ministry. If you are benefiting from our teachings and would like to support our ministry so that we can continue to make these teachings available to others, please go to our donation page or click here: Donate
The Prophecy, The Curse, & The Promise to Israel
Posted on by Ner LeRaglai
The ongoing tension in Israel, as a result of the Hamas attack on Oct. 7, 2023, has a biblical foundation. Failure to understand the biblical narrative results in various opinions and misguided perspectives regarding Israel. Watch now to see what the Bible says regarding the origins of the Middle East struggle, especially regarding Gaza and Israel.
The Prophecy, The Curse, & The Promise to Israel
Support this ministry: Ner LeRaglai is a nonprofit organization and we rely on your donations to sustain our ongoing Bible teaching ministry. If you are benefiting from our teachings and would like to support our ministry so that we can continue to make these teachings available to others, please go to our donation page or click here: Donate
Responding to Hamas’ Attack on Israel
Posted on by Ner LeRaglai
The horrific attacks of Hamas against the nation and people of Israel on Oct. 7, 2023 have made us all stop and consider. In this short video I offer my perspective on how we as believers can respond to this situation. Watch now to learn more!
Responding to Hamas’ Attack on Israel
Support this ministry: Ner LeRaglai is a nonprofit organization and we rely on your donations to sustain our ongoing Bible teaching ministry. If you are benefiting from our teachings and would like to support our ministry so that we can continue to make these teachings available to others, please go to our donation page or click here: Donate
Rejoice in The Lord Always
Posted on by Ner LeRaglai
The Feast of Tabernacles is known as The Feast of Pure Joy! There is good reason for this as we read in the Scriptures. In this short teaching we will focus on a few practical applications of rejoicing at The Feast of Tabernacles. Watch now to learn more!
Rejoice in The Lord Always!
Support this ministry: Ner LeRaglai is a nonprofit organization and we rely on your donations to sustain our ongoing Bible teaching ministry. If you are benefiting from our teachings and would like to support our ministry so that we can continue to make these teachings available to others, please go to our donation page or click here: Donate
Click here to view other Feast of Tabernacle teachings: Feast of Tabernacles
The Final Warning – Rev. 22
Posted on by Ner LeRaglai
In this final teaching of the Book of Revelation we will look in detail at Rev. 22 with a focus on vs. 6-21. In the final instructions that the Apostle John recorded in Rev. 22, we read of a warning that is as valid today as it was 2000 years ago when it was written down. Watch now to learn more about this Final Warning!
The Final Warning – Rev. 22:6-21
Support this ministry: Ner LeRaglai is a nonprofit organization and we rely on your donations to sustain our ongoing Bible teaching ministry. If you are benefiting from our teachings and would like to support our ministry so that we can continue to make these teachings available to others, please go to our donation page or click here: Donate
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The New Jerusalem & The City of God
Posted on by Ner LeRaglai