The Feast of Trumpets (Rosh Hashanah) is one of the most mysterious biblical holidays of the seven Appointed Times detailed in Leviticus 23. At the same time, The Feast of Trumpets is a key prophetic Appointed Time in correlation to the Second Coming of the Messiah. To watch this video, click the image below!
An Overview of The Feast of Trumpets
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The 70 Weeks prophecy of Daniel 9 is considered to be one of the most significant prophecies in the Bible because of its enormous scope of time and its connection to things to come. One of the amazing attributes of this prophecy is the way that it forecasts both the First and Second Comings of the Messiah. Watch now to discover how!
The Messiah & The 70 Weeks (Daniel 9 - Part 2)
Support this ministry: Ner LeRaglai is a nonprofit organization and we rely on your donations to sustain our ongoing Bible teaching ministry. If you are benefiting from our teachings and would like to support our ministry so that we can continue to make these teachings available to others, please go to our donation page or click here: Donate
Daniel in the Lions' Den - A Foreshadow of Messiah
Support this ministry: Ner LeRaglai is a nonprofit organization and we rely on your donations to sustain our ongoing Bible teaching ministry. If you are benefiting from our teachings and would like to support our ministry so that we can continue to make these teachings available to others, please go to our donation page or click here: Donate
Daniel chapter six transitions from the Kingdom of Babylon to the Kingdom of Media Persia with King Darius being appointed as king of Babylon.
Who was King Darius? Is there any historical evidence of his reign outside of the Bible?
Daniel the prophet was characterized as possessing an "excellent spirit." Why was Daniel the prophet characterized in this manner? What does it mean to possess an "excellent spirit"?
To discover the answer to the above questions, watch the video teaching below!
An Excellent Spirit - Daniel 6-1
Support this ministry: Ner LeRaglai is a nonprofit organization and we rely on your donations to sustain our ongoing Bible teaching ministry. If you are benefiting from our teachings and would like to support our ministry so that we can continue to make these teachings available to others, please go to our donation page or click here: Donate
Support this ministry: Ner LeRaglai is a nonprofit organization and we rely on your donations to sustain our ongoing Bible teaching ministry. If you are benefiting from our teachings and would like to support our ministry so that we can continue to make these teachings available to others, please go to our donation page or click here: Donate
Support this ministry: Ner LeRaglai is a nonprofit organization and we rely on your donations to sustain our ongoing Bible teaching ministry. If you are benefiting from our teachings and would like to support our ministry so that we can continue to make these teachings available to others, please go to our donation page or click here: Donate
Support this ministry: Ner LeRaglai is a nonprofit organization and we rely on your donations to sustain our ongoing Bible teaching ministry. If you are benefiting from our teachings and would like to support our ministry so that we can continue to make these teachings available to others, please go to our donation page or click here: Donate
The Testimony of Nebuchadnezzar (Daniel 4-Part 2) Click image to watch!
Support this ministry: Ner LeRaglai is a nonprofit organization and we rely on your donations to sustain our ongoing Bible teaching ministry. If you are benefiting from our teachings and would like to support our ministry so that we can continue to make these teachings available to others, please go to our donation page or click here: Donate
Support this ministry: Ner LeRaglai is a nonprofit organization and we rely on your donations to sustain our ongoing Bible teaching ministry. If you are benefiting from our teachings and would like to support our ministry so that we can continue to make these teachings available to others, please go to our donation page or click here: Donate
Daniel the prophet was a man of prayer and in chapter nine we have the unique opportunity to read an intimate prayer of Daniel's heart for his people, for the city of Jerusalem, and especially for his God. Watch now to learn more about this prayer of Daniel and to understand the meaning of "The Prayer of the Precious!"
The Prayer of the Precious
Support this ministry: Ner LeRaglai is a nonprofit organization and we rely on your donations to sustain our ongoing Bible teaching ministry. If you are benefiting from our teachings and would like to support our ministry so that we can continue to make these teachings available to others, please go to our donation page or click here: Donate
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