Author Archive: Ner LeRaglai
God is Sitting on His Throne – Rev. 4
Posted on by Ner LeRaglai
Revelation 4 contains a majestic scene in heaven as John is introduced to "...what must take place after these things" (Rev. 4:1). The awe and beauty of the heavenly scene that John saw must have been overwhelming and encouraging at the same time. In this teaching we will answer the question: What does every believer need to know in order to overcome the difficulties of life? Watch now to discover the answer to this question!
Revelation 4 - A View of Heaven
Support this ministry: Ner LeRaglai is a nonprofit organization and we rely on your donations to sustain our ongoing Bible teaching ministry. If you are benefiting from our teachings and would like to support our ministry so that we can continue to make these teachings available to others, please go to our donation page or click here: Donate
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Why Are There 50 Days?
Posted on by Ner LeRaglai
The Day of Pentecost remembers the outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon the first believers in the Messiah, Yeshua. Why are there 50 days leading up to Pentecost? Watch now to discover!
Why Are There 50 Days to Pentecost?
Support this ministry: Ner LeRaglai is a nonprofit organization and we rely on your donations to sustain our ongoing Bible teaching ministry. If you are benefiting from our teachings and would like to support our ministry so that we can continue to make these teachings available to others, please go to our donation page or click here: Donate
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Teachings on Shavuot
Posted on by Ner LeRaglai
Shavuot is one of the seven Appointed Times of the LORD and is also one of the three pilgrimage feasts when all of the men of Israel were required to go up to Jerusalem to worship the LORD. Watch the teachings below to learn more about the unique Appointed Time of Shavuot, also known as Pentecost!
Be Zealous for God (Laodicea)
Posted on by Ner LeRaglai
In the message to Laodicea we read the well-known words of our Messiah which He wrote to the believers in that city: "So because you are lukewarm, and neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out of My mouth.…” (3:16). What was Yeshua communicating through this harsh rebuke and why did He chose to use this specific analogy of "lukewarm" water to describe the spiritual state of the Laodiceans? Watch now to discover in this seventh and final message to the seven congregations.
Be Zealous for God (Laodicea) Rev. 3:14-22
Support this ministry: Ner LeRaglai is a nonprofit organization and we rely on your donations to sustain our ongoing Bible teaching ministry. If you are benefiting from our teachings and would like to support our ministry so that we can continue to make these teachings available to others, please go to our donation page or click here: Donate
Return to the Main Menu for Revelation: Chapters 1-5
Guardians of The Word
Posted on by Ner LeRaglai
The believers at Philadelphia have provided an excellent testimony of timeless characteristics that will encourage your faith today. In this teaching we will also examine the famous phrase regarding the worldwide "hour of testing" that is mentioned in this message. What is this "hour of testing"? Watch now to learn more about the congregation at Philadelphia!
Guardians of The Word (Rev. 3:7-13)
Support this ministry: Ner LeRaglai is a nonprofit organization and we rely on your donations to sustain our ongoing Bible teaching ministry. If you are benefiting from our teachings and would like to support our ministry so that we can continue to make these teachings available to others, please go to our donation page or click here: Donate
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Is Your Faith Dead or Alive? (Sardis)
Posted on by Ner LeRaglai
The Message to The Congregation at Sardis
According to God, it does not matter if you belong to a certain congregation or even have a great reputation for the good things that you are doing. In God's eyes a person is either spiritually alive or spiritually dead. This was God's message to Sardis and Yeshua called some of those at Sardis to wake up from their spiritual slumber! To listen to this full teaching, click the image below.
Is Your Faith Dead or Alive? (Rev. 3:1-6)
Support this ministry: Ner LeRaglai is a nonprofit organization and we rely on your donations to sustain our ongoing Bible teaching ministry. If you are benefiting from our teachings and would like to support our ministry so that we can continue to make these teachings available to others, please go to our donation page or click here: Donate
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The Message to Thyatira: Called to be Shining Stars
Posted on by Ner LeRaglai
The situation at Thyatira was extremely unique with the "teaching of Jezebel" infecting the believers in that congregation. What was the teaching of Jezebel? How did Yeshua address the situation there? Watch now to discover!
Called to be Shining Stars (Thyatira) Rev. 2:18-29
Support this ministry: Ner LeRaglai is a nonprofit organization and we rely on your donations to sustain our ongoing Bible teaching ministry. If you are benefiting from our teachings and would like to support our ministry so that we can continue to make these teachings available to others, please go to our donation page or click here: Donate
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The Message to Pergamum: Protect the Flock
Posted on by Ner LeRaglai
In the message to the congregation at Pergamum, Yeshua praised the believers for their perseverance in His Name but rebuked them for having some among them who held to the teachings of Balaam and the Nicolaitans. What are these teachings? Are there believers today who hold to the teachings of Balaam and the Nicolaitans? Watch now to discover!
Protect the Flock (Pergamum) Rev. 2:12-17
Support this ministry: Ner LeRaglai is a nonprofit organization and we rely on your donations to sustain our ongoing Bible teaching ministry. If you are benefiting from our teachings and would like to support our ministry so that we can continue to make these teachings available to others, please go to our donation page or click here: Donate
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The Great City & The Greatest Commandment (Ephesus)
Posted on by Ner LeRaglai